Apparently, people are so oblivious to their obnoxiousness...they continue to ruin the fun for the rest of us. People who litter should have to sit in a room filled with all the crap they threw on the ground in their lives. For at least a week. Maybe more. sigh...
I am sorry, but a company shouldn't have to ask its employees to stop throwing their cigarette butts on the ground in front of a neighboring business. Say it with me people, "Don't be a jackwagon". Pick up after yourselves. Don't litter. Don't mess with Texas. All that. Seriously...unless your mom follows you everywhere happily picking up after you...DO NOT throw your crap on the ground and expect it to miraculously dissolve into the air.
I will get crucified for this, but cheers to the New Braunfels City Council for putting their foot down (on the issue of disposable cans and food containers). Too many idiotic, selfish JACKWAGONS have littered our rivers for far too long. People who "drink and sink" and/or just don't manage their trash well don't deserve to be on the rivers. In fact, I don't know why they are let out of their home to begin with. Rationalizing this behavior is a sign of other issues going on in their head. A sense of entitlement perhaps? Whatever. Quit jacking up the rivers, quit jacking up the earth. For those of you mad about the new law, get a Nalgene bottle and learn how to make Yucca. Don't lose your bottle on the river - maybe get a big camelbak and fill it with something...but don't bring a 30 pack of Natty Lite and toss all your empties in the water. Yeah, aside from me judging you (which I will) can get a $500 fine. So don't do it.
Anyways, I feel better now that I got that off my chest. Let's take better care of our planet people...or at the very least, the little piece we inhabit.
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Go Becky!
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