Monday, December 8, 2008

To-Do List

There are certain things that need to be done regularly (dishes, laundry, etc) and things that I put off and hate to even look at on an annual basis. One of those things is the annual review of my wardrobe (laughable term for what I have in my closet) and making some judgment calls on what stays, what goes and what must be added.

I have given myself the following task: To try on every piece of clothing in my closet this week and get rid of items that don't fit and/or I haven't worn in years. This, I hope, will be a cathartic process.

I will also be needing to add to my wardrobe. A short list of items I want to get (need to get) might include:
- a-line, calf length black skirt...
- business suit (something I can mix/match with business casual, but also use for interviews, etc)
- a new pair of classic black pumps and classic brown pumps

This is just the seed of a list that I know will grow into something else, but for now...that gives me a goal and something to look for.

Sigh. I hate shopping for clothes. Shoes, love...but clothes, ick!

1 comment:

trishka said...

Going through the closet is something I need to do.....I think I have jeans from when I was in high school still. Guess I'm just hoping, I'll fit back in them again.