Tuesday, April 20, 2010

oh really?

couple of things:
- Jazz Under the Stars is coming back kiddos, mark your calendars! I will try and make as many as I can. Love these nights!  Wanna join us out there in our wine drinking, cheese eating decadence? You know you do.
- Warrior Dash is in a week and a half roughly. Good lord, that is gonna hurt. Hope my babes are OK with me walking it. ;)
- occasional nights of ice cream eating and gorging on old Sex & The City episodes are a sinful, but totally worth it indulgence. I highly recommend for days when you want to stab someone in the eye. I wouldn't make a weekly (or monthly habit) of it though!
- It is spoda rain again. Should make for an interesting, and muddy, Germanfest this weekend!
- Martha and Rob get married Friday! YAY! Can't wait!
- Catching up with old friends is a good idea. So I am gonna. Plans to have dinner with Jennifer tonight. Should be a great time.
- DUHHH on Wed. Want to join me? Don't be scurred.
- Happy Hour on Thursday. Thinking of jumping back into the churning waves of Mortgage networking. I might even GASP join a networking association. Time to focus on the old career...eh?
- I really hope Lauren comes to town next weekend. But I have a feeling she won't be able to. That makes me sad. BUT I totally get it. Tight finances and so many trips...its hard to balance all of it. But...here's hoping!
K. That's it for now. I will write something with substance soon, but don't hold your breath :)


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